Alpha Index Separately Managed Accounts (SMA) are diversified portfolios invested across growth assets (such as Australian and International equities, property, infrastructure) and defensive income-oriented assets (such as cash and fixed interest) using passive strategies such as Index Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). Investments within the portfolio can be made up of a combination of Managed Funds, ETF and cash investments.
The proportional allocation to the various asset classes within your portfolio is maintained close to the allocation level that exists in the respective Morningstar Target Allocation Index, the respective portfolio’s benchmark.
The Alpha SMAs provide a more transparent and efficient way to invest your savings or superannuation. This is achieved via the appointment of a professional manager to manage your portfolio and see you maintaining your direct or beneficial ownership of individual investments within your portfolios, whether they are listed strategies and securities or units in a managed fund.
Alpha investment philosophy recognises that the return achieved by investors is impacted by investment costs such as management fees and trading costs, along with the tax consequences for investors. The impact of all fees and charges are considered in the management of the portfolio.
Each of the Alpha SMA Portfolios have a defined investment strategy that reflects a range of financial goals. The investment strategy determines how the portfolio is constructed, dynamically allocating assets proportionately across investment strategies and asset classes to achieve the objective. The investment objective of the Alpha Index SMAs is to achieve results closely in line with the benchmark using passive underlying fund exposures.
Alpha Conservative Portfolio | Alpha Moderate Portfolio | Alpha Balanced Portfolio | Alpha Growth Portfolio | Alpha High Growth Portfolio |
2 Years Investment Horizon | 3 Years Investment Horizon | 5 Years Investment Horizon | 5 Years Investment Horizon | 5 Years Investment Horizon |
A Conservative investment strategy is primarily focused on preservation of capital and purchasing power while also producing a stable income return, by investing in a diversified portfolio of defensive and growth asset classes. | A Moderate investment strategy is primarily focused on preservation of capital and purchasing power while also producing a stable income return, by investing in a diversified portfolio of defensive and growth asset classes. | A Balanced investment strategy seeks to deliver a blend of capital growth and income by investing in a diversified portfolio of defensive and growth asset classes | A Growth investment strategy primarily seeks capital growth while also delivering some income, by investing in a diversified portfolio of defensive and growth asset classes. | A High Growth investment strategy seeks capital growth by largely investing in a diversified portfolio of growth asset classes. |
A Conservative investment strategy is primarily focused on preservation of capital and purchasing power while also producing a stable income return, by investing in a diversified portfolio of defensive and growth asset classes.
A Moderate investment strategy is primarily focused on preservation of capital and purchasing power while also producing a stable income return, by investing in a diversified portfolio of defensive and growth asset classes.
A Balanced investment strategy seeks to deliver a blend of capital growth and income by investing in a diversified portfolio of defensive and growth asset classes
A Growth investment strategy primarily seeks capital growth while also delivering some income, by investing in a diversified portfolio of defensive and growth asset classes.
A High Growth investment strategy seeks capital growth by largely investing in a diversified portfolio of growth asset classes.
Conservative | Moderate | Balanced | Growth | High Growth | |
Australian Equities | 5% | 10% | 18% | 25% | 33% |
International Equities | 7% | 14% | 23% | 33% | 42% |
Australian Listed Property | 0% | 0% | 0% | 2% | 3% |
Global Listed Property | 0% | 2% | 4% | 3% | 4% |
Listed Infrastructure | 3% | 7% | 8% | 11% | 11% |
Australian Fixed Interest | 31% | 25% | 20% | 12% | 3% |
International Fixed Interest | 26% | 21% | 17% | 10% | 2% |
Cash | 28% | 21% | 10% | 4% | 2% |
There are four key parties who work together to implement your Separately Managed Account. These parties and their responsibilities are detailed below.
Your financial adviser ensures that your account is delivering on your agreed strategy or strategies and is responsible for ensuring it operations according to your plan. Your adviser will also provide you with portfolio updates and answer and questions you may have.
01Your investment or portfolio manager is responsible for the selection and allocation of all of your underlying investments. Alpha Investment Management is your investment manager and will select and allocate according to your investment philosophy and the specific investment strategy for your portfolio.
02Your platform is the custodian of your funds and provides the interface between you and your assets. You will be provided secure online access to your platform where you can view current asset allocations and your portfolio status at any time.
03The responsible entity is responsible for the Investment Manager's compliance with regulation and for issuing you with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
04For all general enquiries regarding the Alpha investment products and services please contact our friendly team via the contact form.
Important Information
© 2007-2024 Alpha Fund Managers Pty Ltd ABN 37 124 085 883 is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Alpha Investment Management Pty Ltd ABN 13 122 381 908 AFSL 307379. Please also refer to Alpha’s Target Market Determinations.